
Brokers May Never See the Machinery of Joyn’s Tech Environment, But It Powers Joyn’s Ability to Provide Them With a Better Experience

When building our technology ecosystem, efficiency was top of mind. We knew that responding to every submission quickly would require an ecosystem that could process submissions, pull external data, and provide the underwriter with a complete file that would allow them to more efficiently—and more informedly—make their decision. Read on to learn more.

Having our technology fully integrated helps with speed and accuracy since all of our systems were designed to work together in a complete end-to-end experience. We aren’t rekeying data from one system into another, therein reducing manual input errors.

In modern technology, so much of what end users see is through a direct interface: an app, a website form, or some other kind of program. At Joyn, brokers who want to send a submission have a much easier time. There’s no app or software to download and no fancy interface to maneuver through; brokers simply send their submission—via email—and our technology takes over behind the scenes.

This process is at the core of Joyn’s ability to deliver on its mission and make brokers’ insurance experience faster, more efficient, more accurate, and more transparent.

From the outset, we made a number of conscious decisions with efficiency in mind, like being cloud native, remote-first, and a fully integrated technology platform. These choices, we knew, would allow us to scale quickly and control our costs. Cloud native, for example, means that we can purchase the server capacity we need at the time, without having to construct a complicated physical infrastructure. Having our technology fully integrated, too, helps with speed and accuracy since all of our systems were designed to work together in a complete end-to-end experience. We aren’t rekeying data from one system into another, therein reducing manual input errors.

When building our technology ecosystem, efficiency was top of mind because we knew that responding to every submission quickly would require a technology ecosystem that could process submissions, pull external data, and provide the underwriter with a complete file that would allow them to more efficiently—and more informedly—make their decision. And we knew that we wanted to at least acknowledge every submission fast as well, eliminating the submission black hole that brokers have come to dread. (We’re pleased to report that at present, we are acknowledging all submissions within 24 hours!)

We’re proud to provide a technology-driven insurance experience, and while most brokers don’t see the immense amount of work that went into building it—or even what takes place behind the scenes—all of them benefit from it. If you haven’t sent us a submission to see exactly how it can benefit you, we invite you to give us a try. Send your submission to [email protected] and let us show you.


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